Butter is an integral ingredient used to make cream, dough, and batter for different desserts, cakes, cookies, and, let’s not forget, salty pastries. For the final result to be tasty, the butter must have a certain consistency, temperature, not be cold and very hard. Otherwise, you won’t be able to beat it to a fluffy consistency and combine it with other ingredients into a smooth mixture.
The perfect solution is to get the butter out of the fridge in advance. However, if you are reading this post, then you are a normal human being and, like everyone else, you forgot to do this. Don’t panic! I’m here to help. There are several quick and easy tricks on how to soften butter quickly. Choose the one that best suits your situation and get on with your cooking without any hassle!
How to soften butter with a glass
For this method, you will need a 250 ml glass or cup of tea (it will be safer if you use a cup as it has a handle). Boil water in a kettle and pour water into the cup / glass. Wait until the entire surface warms up. Meanwhile, take your butter and cut it into squares and stack them on top of each other, make sure they fit inside the cup. When the mug is hot enough, drain the water and cover the butter with an upside down mug. Give it a little time and when the mug cools, you will have the butter smooth and ready for later use.
Here is the list of some of my favorite desserts where you need to use softened butter:
- Cottage cheese cookies
- Vanilla Butter Cookies
- Cottage cheese muffins
- Italian Christmas cake
How to soften butter with hot water
Here’s another quick way to soften your baking butter. First, you need to prepare all the utensils and ingredients. Take the necessary amount of butter, a deep container, water and a kettle for boiling, a zip-lock bag. Bring water to a boil and pour it into the container, let it cool to around 120 ° F / 50 ° C. Put the butter in a bag and seal it tightly. Place your bag of butter in a bowl of water and leave it there for no more than a minute. When the butter softens to a consistency, you should remove it from the bowl.
How to soften butter without heating
El método final que voy a compartir con ustedes, creo, es la forma más fácil de ablandar la mantequilla, ya que no requiere ningún equipo adicional ni agua hirviendo. Simplemente necesita hacer los trozos de mantequilla más pequeños y así se descongelará más rápido. Es un método a prueba de balas para ablandar la mantequilla pero no derretirla.
Toma un rallador y colócalo sobre el plato o tabla de cortar. Ralle la mantequilla con un lado grueso. Uniforme la mantequilla rallada en una capa fina y déjela reposar durante varios minutos. Le tomará de uno a dos minutos como máximo para que alcance la temperatura ambiente.
If you don’t have a grater handy, just cut the butter into the smallest pieces you can and let it thaw near a working stove or just on the counter. Here you will have to wait three to four minutes for it to soften.
Hope you can use at least one of the listed methods and it was helpful. Share your experience with everyone. Especially if you have any other tips on how to soften butter quickly and without using microwaves, ovens and stoves.